We here at Mission Start Podcast support the community and bloggers as that's how this website started out as. By showing our appreciation to other websites that have helped us we are announcing as of today to have a affiliate program. Just submit your email, name, and your website and we will look over the website to see if it fits well with our website. You can submit your emails to [email protected] for any questions or requests to be a part of our affiliate program.
-Anthony Beanes Co-Director of Missionstartpodcast.com |
We are a production, event planning, and promotional organization made by cosplayers for cosplayers. Our team spans the world with representatives that cover cons and gatherings so you don't miss the action.
Who are we? We're fans just like you who travel to various anime, comic & sci-fi conventions wishing to share our attendance through photographs.We'll be posting photos from photo shoots, to convention coverage, live photo updates, & from time to time, sporting events! Interested in a photo shoot during our convention travels? Are you a cosplayer based in California? Feel free to message us for photo shoots. We do not charge for photo shoots and we bring snacks and water so you may rejuvenate yourself to regain energy.
Building the best place to go on the internet to find and buy items for avid collectors of the Pokemon series.
Play-Asia.com was established in 2002 and is a leading online retailer providing video games, DVDs, music CDs, gadgets and toys.
Crunchyroll is the leading global video service for Japanese Anime and Asian media. Crunchyroll has over 20,000 videos and 10,000 hours of Anime, Korean Drama and Live-Action titles on Crunchyroll.com and Crunchyroll-powered platforms including iPhone, iPad, Android, TV set-top boxes, Playstation®3, Xbox LIVE, and other devices.
With offices in San Francisco, Calif. and Tokyo, Japan, Crunchyroll is funded by leading venture capital firm, Venrock, Japanese entertainment giant TV TOKYO, digital publishing leader Bitway and a group of angel investors representing some of the brightest and most successful entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. Scattered Comics Studios is your one-stop shop in creating your comic book project. If you have the idea or story; we will take it from there to make your comic book a reality and then helping you in how to publish, print and market your comic book. The studio was founded in 2009 and started out small, but since that time we have increased our staff to bring a wide variety of talent to be on hand ready to complete your comic book.
Stitcher is the leader in Internet Radio for the world beyond music. We deliver the latest news, politics, sports, business and entertainment on-demand to listeners on their mobile phones. The Stitcher app has been downloaded over 5 million times and offers the best programming from thousands of content providers including NPR, Fox and CNN. Stitcher is available for iPhone, Android and iPad and is being integrated directly into new Ford and GM vehicles.
Anime3000.com is an online community for anime fans, bloggers and podcasters. It hosts various media including podcasts and videos.
Do you like anime? of course you do why else would be on this website! Then I suggest on going over to Banzai Beat Podcast to get your weekly dosage of anime podcasting. You can find everything about Banzai Beat on their website www.banzaibeat.com.
a podcast of awesome proportions. You know if said proportions are anime, video games, and other assorted geekness. Updates every other Monday! In other words, the OSMcast is a podcast about things that are awesome. Because we figure, hey everyone likes awesome things, right? Also “AWESOMEcast” is way too long to type all the time. And 15 million podcasts to date have started up using that name and then gave up after 3 episodes. But that’s ok, we’re still working on episode eight.Yeah, so since we’ve now made it to at least 40 episodes, I’m guessing we’re doing OK.
The official site that's everything LoveHATE. We are The Western Revolution of American Itasha. The balance of Love, Life and Community.
Site:http://teamlovehate.blogspot.com/ A website about a cosplay model nicknamed Living Ichigo. He is a cosplay model, costume designer, a semi-professional bodybuilder, and MMA fighter. Follow the adventures of this cosplayer on his website as he updates you on where to find him in the upcoming conventions he goes to!
Sites:http://www.livingichigo.com/ http://www.facebook.com/livingichigo This site exists as a gateway to the enormous and growing world of Japanese pop-culture, including but not limited to anime, manga, gaming, cosplay, conventions, and more. What makes RA:N unique, is that it is more than just a blog about hot topics- it is a network of several sites that unite together to form a larger power of pure fandom that puts out unique news from all over the world.
Established in 2001, Artistic Alliance Combines Abaya Arts, Pek Squared Production, and Freakin Awesome Podcast into one creative mind. Now after several years we converted from Artistic Alliance to Crateov.
After reading a bunch of figure blogs I thought it looked fun and decided to start my own. A few years and thousands of dollars later, I now have a sizeable collection of figures and magazines which I try to post on my blog along with my thoughts on anime. I’ve been using the name “Nopy” since I was 13, I came up with it by typing in some random letters. I had originally planned to have my blog at nopy.wordpress.com, but it was taken so I used nopybot.wordpress.com for several months. When I decided to move off wordpress, I tried to get nopy.com but it was taken as well, which is how I ended up with nopybot.com.
Welcome to Nigorimasen!
My intention with this blog is to write somewhat intelligently about subjects including anime, manga, and Japan (books, culture, film, sports, etc.) so those thoughts can get out of my head and be read by others. I consciously eschew making frequent news-related postings (many websites seem to do a pretty good job of that) or churning out episodic entries of what I’ve been watching or reading (too time-consuming and, again, many other blogs do this). Unfortunately, such selectiveness means I have an irregular posting rate. California Conventions Blog, a fan-made independent anime conventions blog.
We at the 2 Lazy 2B Otaku pod cast have been recording our blather since March 1st, 2009. Our only goal was and is to tell each other about the shows we have been watching and discussing the topics we find interesting. We are of the belief that you don’t have to be a die hard fan to enjoy anime and want to discuss it with others. We have taken a long hard look at fandom in general and found that the people that scream the loudest get the most attention. We thought having a casual and rational conversation about shows that are polarizing in other mediums could take the scary out of fandom. We would like to create a casual leisurely fandom that can appreciate anime in all it’s forms whether it is subtitled or dubbed into English. Even if it’s a copy and paste hack job of localization we would like to discuss in a manner that doesn’t provoke religious fervor. For those who would attribute morals to our hobby go right ahead, but you wouldn’t really like our show. If you’re the type who would probably like to have a discussion about their favorite show but can’t be bothered to crate a forum account or set up a blog, you might like to hear what we have to say.
Capitol Fight District is a Sacramento based community for gamers. We'll be hosting biweekly events and tournaments for fighting games, and feature other video games and/or table top games. Since the fall of arcades around the US, most gamers stay inside the house to play. They could be either by themselves, with a few friends or online. What we are trying to do is bring that social feeling back to gaming.
Capitol Fight District is a group that organizes gaming events- from casuals to tournaments. The purpose of the events is to bring people together in a social environment to play games. We're focused mainly on fighting games, but will include shooters, sports, retro arcade games, and tabletop games. We are a collection of con goers from all over who like to frequent geek conventions. We currently have producers in the USA from the northeast, southeast, mid-Atlantic, great lakes, and north west regions. We also have one German producer holding down the European arena.
The ConMen will be covering all types of geek culture conventions. We will be doing interviews of celebrities, guests of honor, and everyday con goers. We will also be hosting events! However, the best part of the show will be our tips on how to enjoy your con experience to the fullest. Tips on where to stay, what it costs, where to park, where to eat, and what to see. This will be a bi-weekly podcast that will primarily be audio. However, we will also be including video from time to time. We already have some stuff in the can and are going to cover a few things from last year but we are still working on our format. Please stand by while we finish our preparations so that when we do launch, it’s full steam ahead. |